Shareholders Agreement Sample

Taking into account the premises and reciprocal agreements and arrangements of this Agreement, the suitability of which is recognized by this Agreement, the Parties agree as follows: (The foregoing gives shareholders some firepower in the event of the appointment of an unnecessary nominee. Initially, this should not be a problem, given that shareholders also act as directors.) Shotgun Commission: A shotgun exit provision, also known as a buy-sell agreement, can be used as a result of a shareholder dispute and states that Shareholder 1 may offer to purchase shareholder 2`s shares, with shareholder 2 being able to either sell at the offered price or return and buy shareholder 1`s shares at the same price. 9.1.3 If neither party makes an offer, either party may require the liquidation of the business. In case of disagreement of the liquidator, the appointment is made by the statutory auditor of the accounts of the company. A shareholders` agreement should also be established in companies that have only a small number of shareholders. The contract should be active before the company takes over its activities to ensure that all shareholders agree on its content. 3.5 If more than one Bidder has given the Seller a Notice of Purchase in which it declares that it is willing to purchase the Shares offered for purchase of the Offered Shares, the Purchasers acquire all the Shares containing the Offered Shares in the report on which they are able to agree or, in the absence of an agreement, in the common shares of each Buyer. calculated without reference to the seller`s actions. In the event that a nominee does not vote for the board of directors of one of the shareholders and acts as a director to execute the provisions of this Agreement, the shareholders agree to exercise their right as shareholders of the company and, in accordance with the articles of association of the company, to remove that nominee from the board of directors and to choose a person in his place or place, who has made his best efforts to execute the provisions of this agreement, but only in the event that the shareholder whose nominee has been removed has not appointed a successor within fourteen days from the date on which that nominee was withdrawn. The reason for the limited liability of shareholders is that the company is a separate legal person, that is, separate from the shareholders.

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